Tuesday, February 9, 2010


In school and college I have always been taught to PLAN and EXECUTE and REVIEW my actions

When I look back today... and look at life...till now ... it looks like I have been such a bad planner.... a worse executor and needless to say the "review" part never really happenned!!

School - When in school, I was a freak who loved geography and history as subjects and hated physics and chemistry, so I always thought I will become an archeologist by profession! After my 10th exams.. I was set to take up arts as my stream for junior college but ... my father's posting and the schools in that place took away that option completely! So I ended up taking commerce as my stream and completed my school! While still in school I drifted from history and geography and was wanting to take up psychology as a subject for graduation... but in between came the fascination for food and my interest in that took me to my graduation in Hotel Management!
Coming to think of it... I really never planned to take up Hotel management as a career option!!

College... i joined to learn more about the fascinating world of food, but ended up hating large scale cooking concepts and inclined towards the other world of hotels... the Rooms management! Thankfully during my campus selection days I got placed with a premier hotel chain in India and my second job saw me flourishing at work. This was the time when I was getting laurels for my work and almost everybody knew me by name and face in the hotel I was employed with...
Coming to think of it.... I really never planned to win accolades and become well known in such a short span... but it just happened!

Marriage .... Just when I thought something was going fine... marriage happened. Marriage was probably the best thing to happen ..... but coming to think I really never planned to get married so fast.... but it just happened that I met my Mr. Right very early!

Career ... Marriage also made me come face to face with harsh realities!! Reality that my working in hotels was not liked by family members! So I kept changing jobs.... whichever I found attractive and different.. so that I could at least learn something new. This inquisitive attitude and "I can learn and do everything" attitude landed me with my biggest professional blunder... a job I should have probably refused when offerred!
So there I go again..... No Planning ....!! forget execution.... !!

Then came Children... Our first one happened after I got treated for some serious hormonal imbalances.... so the first child was competely planned!! (at least some where I used the planning action!) but the second one happened when I was still to cross the planning phase.... !! So there I go again ...... No planning... but he is such an angel and sweetie pie that I am glad the idea got executed well!! :))

So why am I writing these things today...!! Because I think somewhere down the lane... I feel i have changed so much as a person after marriage and children. I could never see myself as someone confined to the four walls of home and baby sitting... but thats what I am doing now! 10 years back... career was so much on priority list ... and 10 years later I have achieved nothing in life! whew....!
Then I thought... I can always start working again... what should stop me....!! But with my children around ... i can never get comfortable with office environment... I would be physically in office but mentally.. I would be at home...!! So thinking of working again 4 years after leaving the corporate world.... seems very scary and unattractive! Possibilities of working from home... seems negligible and even if there are any... god knows how much can I concentrate on work with two small kids at home!
It was when .. I was pondering about work and how to get financially independent again when i saw my two kids laughing and playing with each other.. fighting and crying... both of them trying to get my attention to compain about the other....(the younger one who is 9 months old uses "amma" for evrything these days!!).. I realised that I can never trade even a fat pay check from a fortune 50 company for such small incidents that happen at home... nothing can bring back these sweet moments and the joy that these bring to my heart

So... no matter how much I plan...... I (may) never execute them... even if I do execute... I (may) never review them!! Gosh... thank god I am not a Management Grad from a reupted college... I could be such a bad example for planning and executing and reviewing!!!


  1. Wow! You have a great life. You have achieved so much in 10 years...thrill of learning new subjects, experimenting,loving family and relationships, re-discovering yourself and boundless moments of joy!

  2. Hey, I am a management grad from a "reputed' college and believe me we are no great shakes at planning & executing either :)
    Loved your post. Some comments:
    1. Even if you had "planned" a lot of things, your plans may have come to nothing because life takes us where it will. Only, you would had the satisfaction of knowing that you had planned!
    2. You have achieved nothing in life?? No way -- you have 2 kids and you are raising them to be good human beings, and isn't that the biggest achievement of all? You can kickstart your career anytime, but that annoying "amma" will be heard 1000 times a day only for few more years :)
    Apologies for a too-long comment :(
    Keep writing!

  3. Hi Neha and Aparna,
    Thanks so much for reading my blog... more so coz I am pretty new to blogging!! :)

    Neha : Yeah... the "achieved nothing" was purely professional life coz as humans we always compare ourselves to our peers and close friends in college ... and when I see them managing work and home well... I do get a little disillusioned by that!! but then as you put it... I did get better opportunities to learn new things!!

    Aparna - I agree with you completely that I can kick start work anytime... and I also realise that as a parent and more importantly as a mother my priorities are very much my kids. And that annoying amma ... is surely annoying when both my kids start at the same time.... more so when the emotions range from pleading to demanding!! :)

  4. so true :)
    life is full of so many little things that matter a lot isn't it ? :)
