Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The side affects of being a celebrity

I wonder what life the celebrities live for being who they are...!! Even without wanting to be one... they become a role model simply because they excel in field of their interest.... but is it necessary for the role model to be a perfect person in all possible ways.... I'd say NO.

Tiger Woods and his sexual (mis)adventures has made him infamous almost instantly.In a second we all forgot the greatness of the sportsman and looked down upon him for his wild adventures. In a moment his personal life overshadowed the greatness of his professional life.
I ask myself.... how does it affect me if Tiger Woods is such a maniac... the answer is NO it doesnt affect me at all....! then why do I treat him so lowly. For a country like USA, such escapades may not be so horrifying as it looks in the news articles, but they are the people who are pulling him down on moral values!!
The only reason for such a reaction is that he is a celebrity .. a celebrity who has excelled in golf and taken the sport to greater heights. There are innumerable cases,where celebrities have been hounded to get a piece of the (mis)adventures of their lives.

In the rush to pull a celebrity down for their ill doing we forget that they are also humans at the end of the day.By saying this, I am not sympathizing with Tiger Woods, at the same time I dont think it is right for me judge and doubt the greatness of this sportsman because of his sexual escapades.
As a non celebrity ... I tell myself that I can keep my personal and professional lives separate, that I shall not let my professional life affect my personal life and vice-verse, sadly the same cant be for a celebrity. Their professional and personal lives are so connected that one imperfect move shakes both the lives equally.
Tiger Woods episode(s) gives me the ideal example to teach my children about a role model. I believe we make a person a role model for what he/she achieves in their field of interest, not for the life he/she lives otherwise. We can only learn from the achievements and disregard the wrong doings of our role models. The other life of these role models is for them to live.... how they live is their choice... who are we to question, judge or comment on that choice??

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