Thursday, December 24, 2009

Future Perfect

This blog is an aftereffect of a dance reality show on Sony TV.

I was once a reality show freak and have enjoyed many of them, even voted for a few. But that was only when the concept was very fresh. Today we have reality shows on TV based on anything and everything one can run their imaginations on. How can we ever justify shows which deals with marriages .....!! So, I had literally stopped watching them.

But this dance show is very refreshing. It has its share of drama and irritating moments, but what brings me closer to this show is the fact that many of the dancers in the group are wanting to make dancing as their profession!! Now that is very refreshing to me.

We Indians are always expected to do well in academics and our life revolves around it. our parents and our forefathers would have always wanted to have their children do well in academics... any other non academic field could never be pursued as a profession and that would rather be called as a hobby. Dance (limited to traditional dances like bharatnatyam and Oddissi)and song were strictly taken up with lakshman rekha drawn by the parents!

This dance show actually brings in people from all strata of life to show their talent in group or solo and encourage them to pursue their interests. There was this particular parent, who was very vocal about her mindset, when she said that she would like her son to do well in studies as well as dance, but dance is not what she expects him to take up as profession. I truly felt bad for that person who's mother made such a comment. The fact that that guy danced very beautifully was overshadowed by this comment. I guess parents need to be more encouraging with what their children want,give them the courage to take up a challenging life. This was surely not that.

This blog comes from my heart, because I too wanted to pursue a career which was non academic, but could not. I feel no profession is devoid of any knowledge. All professions teach you good things in its own ways and make you a better human being. Every profession has its own depth and the more we get into it the more we will be able to appreciate it. And that, for me, is knowledge, not topping your school/college or university exams just for the sake of doing it!

I just hope our generation and our future generations appreciate this and let our children bloom in the field they are interested in and not force them into professions which they do not want to take up.

1 comment:

  1. Agree with you. Kids should be allowed to pursue their interests and make a career out of it. Only then we will all love our jobs and it wont just be a matter of bread winning
