Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cakes, bakes and the innocence of a child....

The greatest critic of my baking is my husband .. according to him I can never be consistent.... not even with baking a cake!! With due respects to my college professors... this is true! I can never bake the same cake! I really dont know the reason....even if I put the same ingredients and match each step.... I still dont repeat the same cake...!!

However... the person who encourages me the most with my baking is my 3 year old daughter. She is in a phase in life where bdays are incomplete without a cake .... so she ensures that I bake a cake for all the near (and not so near) ones) and dear ones. Recently... my nephew who stays in Pune celebrated his 14th bday.... so as the order was... a chocolate cake was promptly made at home in Chennai. My daughter couldnt even wait for the cake to cool... she ordered for a knife from poor old nani and cut the cake with her.. singing Happy Bday Anshul Bhaiya!! Till then things were very sweet... after eating her bit of cake and giving it to the rest of the people at home.. she came out with a wonderful line... "Oh ho Anshul Bhaiya kku kudukave illiye!!" (Oh ho we havent given it to Anshul Bhaiya!!). Thankfully poor old nani diverted her attention to something else and saved me from baking another cake (may be this time to either parcel it to Pune or parcel anshul Bhaiya to Chennai). Just a week before was my friends' bday. Promptly I was ordered by my daughter a day in advance to bake a cake for Yamuna Aunty. This time the order came with a small request too... "amma can I also bake it with you!!" I dint know how to react ... but I was probably the happiest person on earth when she said that..! Least did I think about the mess that was going to be created when she would help me to bake! Anyways... the sifting happened... with most of the flour mix falling out of the table and very less for baking...and so with great difficulty we managed to put the ingredients together and finally bake the cake. The moment she saw the cake.. she was thrilled... and overjoyed with the fact that she made a cake for Yamuna aunty. Her reaction overshadowed the mess that she created while baking the cake.

Anyways... while I may not like to bake cakes as often as my daughter wants (considering the fact that we Tamilians celebrate our Bdays twice in a year... one each as per the Gregorian Calendar and the Tamil Calender).... I have started enjoying baking more and more... not just because it has got my creative senses working all the time...more because it brings me to appreciate the innocence that children have in them. How I wish ... that as we grow up... we keep that little bit of childhood in ourselves and always stay positive in our thoughts....understand that things that bring us happiness will bring the same happiness to everyone.

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